Property Division Lawyers in Evansville, IN
Helping Secure Your Future Beyond the Divorce
One of the most critical aspects of a divorce case is the division of property. In Indiana, property is divided using the principle of equitable distribution, which means that marital property is divided in a manner that is fair and reasonable to both parties based on an evaluation of their needs, income, and earning potential.
That means your property will not be divided equally—it will be divided equitably, i.e. in a way that has an equal impact on both parties.
Given that property division is based on the needs of both parties, the role of a divorce lawyer is more vital in Indiana than in a 50/50 divorce state. You’ll need a representative who will advocate for your needs based on your projected lifetime income, especially as there are rules and considerations regarding your future that only a lawyer would understand.
At Biesecker Dutkanych & Macer, LLC, our Evansville property division attorneys are experienced with addressing these exact issues. We’ll fight to protect your interests in ways you didn’t realize were necessary. To learn your options, speak with us in a free consultation as soon as possible: (812) 496-3071.
Determining Marital vs. Separate Property in Indiana
The first step in dividing property is categorizing all marital property. Marital property includes any assets or debts acquired during the marriage, including real estate, investments, retirement accounts, and even debts. Separate property, on the other hand, includes property acquired before the marriage, through inheritance or gifts, and is typically not subject to division.
Some common types of property include:
- Real property, such as a house, land, or a building;
- Personal property, such as furniture, vehicles, or bank accounts;
- Intellectual property, such as patents, copyrights, or trademarks;
- Income and earnings, such as pensions, wages, and bonuses.
Here’s another reason an experienced Indiana divorce lawyer can help you: we can assist you in identifying and valuing all of your assets and debts. Accurately identifying and valuing property can be complex, particularly for high-net-worth individuals with complex financial portfolios.